Archive for April 5th, 2008

B.C. and Other Stuff

My computer went down a couple of days ago and I had to install a hard drive that I have not used since before my surgery. There were no book marks to cancer sites, no saved information on sarcomas nothing, It was almost like time travel, back to B. C.  Before Cancer.

I am now 1/2 way through chemo and so far, other than the hair loss, some numbness in my left foot and my vision starting to be messed up, (perhaps this is a bit of an understatement) I am doing really well. I am starting to the the light at the end of the treatment tunnel. (I forgot to add that the eyelashes are going, I have eyebrows like Brooke Shields they might make it.)

I am working on the big home clean up project, again, I am going to add it to my Ultimate To Do List, (I refuse to call it a bucket list,) some way, some how I am going to get this house into shape. I am currently reading a book called The House that Cleans Itself. I know I need one more book on how to clean house. 🙂 but this one seems to have a lot of potential.  I will post pictures when I get some time.

April 2008